What can pelvic floor physical therapy help with?

Leaking while sneezing, pelvic pain during exercise, and back pain while carrying your baby are just a few of the things we see often at Moms in Motion PT. There are many other pelvic floor conditions and conditions outside the pelvic floor we can help with as well, but we will focus on these because they are so common.

Leaking while sneezing is a really common issue for women, particularly after having a baby.

This usually occurs because the pelvic floor muscles get stretched out during pregnancy. They end up weakened and not functioning efficiently. The pressure from a sneeze is quite high and this pressure is directed downward on the pelvic floor. 

If the pelvic floor is unable to respond quickly enough or strongly enough, you may end up with wet pants! 

In pelvic floor PT, we figure out why you are having the leaking issue, and then give you specific exercises to help you gain back control of your bladder!

Pelvic pain during exercising postpartum could be from a variety of causes, but the most common one I see is core weakness or incoordination. The core muscles get stretched out during pregnancy, and most women experience some degree of diastasis recti, or abdominal separation. If this separation doesn't close on its own, the core muscles are unable to contract like they used to. And even if these muscles do come back together, if you don't retrain your core appropriately, you may end up with pain. 

Your core stabilizes your spine, so if it isn't strong, you can end up with back pain. And if your pelvic floor isn't strong or is too tight due to being overworked, you can end up with pelvic pain during exercise.

In pelvic floor PT, we help you retrain your core with functional movements so you can get back to the exercise you love without pain! We can also help you develop a specific program so you get back into exercise at the right pace and don't jump in too quickly and hurt yourself.

Back pain while carrying your baby is usually due to a combination of core weakness and poor posture. Having poor posture throughout the day while breastfeeding, picking up, holding, and carrying your baby, and playing on the floor can all contribute to back pain. 

Some women experience low back pain while others have pain in the mid- and upper back. These pains can usually be remedied by a change in how you do your daily activities, which we can teach you in PT!

If you have been experiencing any symptoms listed above, call us today at 612-568-2462 to learn more about how we can help.


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Peeing your pants after baby