#1 tip for walking in the winter

If you are pregnant or postpartum, this is especially important, but anyone can benefit from what I’m about to tell you. Pregnancy is hard on the body. The pelvic floor, the pubic bone, the low back and hips can all take a hit in terms of aches and pains. Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is very common during pregnancy, and slips on the ice can exacerbate the pain! Same goes for low back pain, especially the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) region. We all know that falling during pregnancy is something we really want to avoid, but slipping can be almost as bad! When we slip, we tense up all our muscles, usually subconsciously, to try to brace for impact and protect ourselves.

In postpartum, we naturally aren’t as stable and strong as we were prior to getting pregnant because things have moved and shifted, our center of gravity has changed, and often we don’t have as much time to workout as we did before. All these things can leave us susceptible to injury, especially on the ice. 

Add pushing a stroller or baby wearing to the mix, and we really want to make sure we stay upright! 

What if I told you I had a great tip that would prevent most slipping for the rest of the winter? Especially as we continue to go through the dreaded thaw-refreeze cycle that leaves the sidewalks and edges of the roads like ice rinks.First of all, we want to have strong muscles, especially in the hip stabilizers and the core, but that becomes less important when we hit that icy patch. 

So, my #1 tip for preventing those slips and falls is: wear spikes on your boots!

I use old school ice joggers that I got years ago. I don’t think they make this specific brand anymore, but they are similar to these and there are several others out there that work just as well. Yaktrax are common and my husband uses them. Kahtoola is another popular brand. There are others available on Amazon and other online retailers as well. 

Regardless of which type you choose, make sure you have something other than the tread on the bottom of your boots! Even the boots with the best traction are no match for straight ice!

I keep these spikes on my boots pretty much all winter because you never know when you might hit a slippery patch!

I hope this helps you stay safe for the rest of the cold weather this winter. If you have had any slips or falls that left you with aches and pains that aren’t going away, give us a call today to see how we can help! 612-568-2462


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